Facilities Management oversees the physical plant activities for over 328,000 square feet of research and support space in four DLS buildings – Nelson Biological Labs, Life Sciences Building, Busch Lab Center, and Biological Sciences Building.

The Facilities Management Office is located in Room B146, Nelson Biological Laboratories, 604 Allison Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8082.

The Division of Life Sciences Facilities Management’s mission is to provide a safe and healthy infrastructure for faculty and staff within the Division of Life Sciences. The Facilities Management department is responsible for property management, renovations, air and chemical quality control, and handling of the day-to-day facilities operations. Services include maintaining proper security access, air quality control, heating, air conditioning, and to ensure laboratory compliance with Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety (REHS) regulations. In addition, the DLS Facilities Management department is also responsible for managing construction renovations.


 Gunther Pergher  Facilities Manager