Please see the below write-up from Stephen Dalina, Assistant Director Business and Administrative Services - Record Retention Facility, and visit for detailed information from the Records Management unit of the Division of Administration & Public Safety.
"The Records Management unit of the Division of Administration & Public Safety provides information to campus departments regarding the proper procedures for retaining and discarding University records.
Every office and department on campus is faced with the challenge of storage space, as well as decisions about which records to keep and which to discard. Records Management assists departments with these decisions and provides effective solutions for the proper retention of university records, special collections and university archives. We strive to achieve economy and efficiency in the creation, maintenance, and disposal of public records.
Records management affords legal protection for the institution by satisfying federal and state statutory requirements and insure that historically significant records are preserved to document the great history of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey."
Here is the link for the University Policy on Records Management:
Records Management RU Policy 50.3.10
University Records Management already stores around 500 boxes from your unit
University Records Management has approved shredding of over 200 boxes from your unit since 1994
Rutgers has designated a facility specifically for all records storage--there are already over 25,000 boxes maintained